Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
Located at:
5154 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
Fax: (561)683-6773
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Work Readiness Program
Work Readiness I:
  1. Work Readiness I consists of didactic discussion and demonstration of skill and behaviors expected by employers. These skills and behaviors include such topics as: Communication, Job Skills, Decision Making, etc. (see attached check sheet). The Academy believes the classroom and clinical settings of the educational experience to be the "laboratory" for the future work world. It is important that the student understand what these expectations and skills are and to develop the knowledge and skills in order to be successful in the work world. The completed Work Readiness I worksheet is submitted to the Records Department for filing and for entry on the student's academic record.

Work Readiness II:
  1. The syllabus designates when each of the following Work Readiness II activities are to be completed. A numerical grade is applied to each activity and documented on the Work Readiness II Final Evaluation Worksheet (see attached sample). This worksheet is submitted to Records Department for recording the final grade and is filed in the student's permanent file. The individual Mock Interview Evaluation, Resume, Sample Cover Letter, Mock Job Application, Reference List, Job Search Documentation, Sample Thank You Note, Homework assignment, are filed in the Placement Book serving as back-up documentation for the grade achieved by the student in Work Readiness II. These documents will ultimately be placed in the student's permanent file.

  2. Job Search Activities to be completed by all students:

    1. Copies of appropriate certificates needed to obtain a health care job are provided to the student from the Records Department once they are achieved.

    2. Students are assigned job search activities consisting of visiting potential employee facilities, completing applications, engaging in interviews, etc. The information regarding these activities is entered on the Job Search Verification Forms and returned to class to be reviewed by the Instructor/Employment Counselor. As each page of the Job Search Verification Form is completed, it is placed into the Job Placement Book. The Instructor reviews the Job Search documents to insure the student is actually participating in ajob search and to review the process with each student to help the student achieve success.

    3. When a student indicates that an interview has taken place, the Instructor/ Employment Counselor contacts the employer where the student interviewed to obtain feedback in order to better assist students with future interviewing and job seeking skills.

    Note: Tlte student wlto does not complete tlte required activities in #1 and #2 above will receive a/ailing grade/or Work Readiness II wlticlt will be reflected 011 the student's report card and/or transcript. Tlte student will also not receive a certificatefor the successful completion of Work Readiness JI.
Click here to download the Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations Work Readiness I Checklist