Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
Located at:
5154 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
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This plan is written to specify the objectives, experiences, competencies and evaluations that are required for student clinical experiences. The Academic Dean/Assistant Academic Dean is responsible for this Plan. The responsible party for the work-based site will be a faculty designee.

Objective: To ensure that all clinical affiliations utilized have appropriate contracts, protect students and enhance student learning objectives.

  1. All Clinical experience portions of ANHO’s programs will be performed under the supervision of a Faculty Member employed by the school.

  2. ANHO will obtain signed agreements with all facilities providing clinical & community-based experience and keep such in a file at the school.

  3. eements to include responsibilities of each party, objective of the experience, schedule for each participant, type of work experiences for each participant, supervision given to each participant, method of evaluating students competencies, responsibility for prior arrangement of clinical experience, and enrollment limitations due to capacity of the facility.

  4. Where available, the Centralized Clinical Placement System will be utilized to match school clinical rotation needs with hospital clinical unit availability. Otherwise, where not available, requests for clinical rotations will take place via fax and e-mail systems between the school and the affiliating clinical site.

  5. The on-site employer representative responsible for guiding and overseeing the students learning experiences offers input to the instructor for the students’ written evaluation.

  6. Health records, inoculations, drug screens, and background check screenings, when applicable, are reviewed to insure that all students meet the health status criteria of affiliating agencies and ensure student protection.

  7. Each agreement will provide for a termination notice so that students are not harmed in the event of cancellation.


Clinical and observational site evaluations are completed by the affiliating site staff and ANHO Instructors. This data is utilized by the Academic Dean and School’s Executive Director when evaluating the effectiveness of the experiences. This plan is reviewed annually and revised as needed. It is available to all faculty in their policy and procedure manual. The Management team uses feedback from students, staff and the affiliating sites when reviewing and revising the plan. Input is received from employers at the Advisory Meeting and progress of plan is evaluated and approved by the Board of Directors Annually.


Faculty, students, and affiliation site employees offer continued input. The Management Team reviews these evaluations and revises plans as warranted. All efforts are made to discuss concerns with the facility should they develop. If concerns can not be resolved, a contract may be terminated. The Plan is available to employees in the school’s Policy and Procedure Manual which is considered a work in progress and is updated continually. All plans are publicly posted outside of the Media Center, school website, and on the server for all to peruse.

Revised February 18, 2020