Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
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Learning Remediation for Practical Nursing Students
Introduction to the World of ATI
Assessment Technologies, Inc. (ATI) is a computer based system designed for nursing students. It is a supplemental tool to help you learn the content of your nursing courses. The system is being made available to you to help you be successful in nursing school.

  1. You will be given materials from ATI. These materials include online resource books. The books consist of subject materials in Fundamentals of Nursing, Pharmacology, Nutrition, Medical/Surgical Nursing, Obstetrical and Pediatric Nursing, etc.

  2. These instructions include: creating an account on the ATI website, how to take an on line practice assessment and how to create a focused review.

  3. You will be given a code to access the various practice tests available on line.

  4. Use the instructions below to set up your account and register to use ATI.

  5. The computer lab is available on Fridays for you to be able to practice at the school. The Library/Media Center is also open for student use Monday-Thursday 7:30am-11:00pm and Thursdays 7:30am-6pm.

How does the system work?
  1. At any time during a course you can access practice tests for the course you are taking. Once you take a practice test you…..

  2. ….. go to “My results” and review in general how you did. You then create a Focused Review. The Focused Review will guide you to those areas of weakness identified by taking the Practice Test. You then use the web site that includes films or the texts to review and study your areas of weakness. You can study from the web site, you can print what you need from the web site, you can use the texts to help you better understand those areas where the Practice Test has shown your specific areas of weakness.

  3. After study, you return to the web site and take the alternate test (Version “B”) and repeat the process outlined in #2 above.

The ATI process and materials are NOT a substitute for your class, your textbooks, your clinical experiences, etc. The ATI process is simply a tool, the same kind of tool as flash cards, writing answers to chapter objectives and completing and studying workbooks.

**Please note: for the ATI web site to function properly you must download from the web a program entitled: Silverlight. Go to your search engine (for example Google) and type in Silverlight. Access any of the (Microsoft) suggestions that open and download the program on to your computer.

How to Create an ATI New User Account
  1. Using Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher in the address bar type Click on “Create new account” located on the left side of the page.
  2. Complete the “User Information Page”. The lines noted in blue type are required to be completed.
  3. Click on “Register” at the bottom of the page when finished. That’s it! You have created your ATI account.
How to take an ATI online Practice Assessment
  1. In order to take an online practice assessment, you must have the Access Code for your specific class.
  2. Log on to the ATI site at and Sign-In using your Username and Password in the appropriate fields.
  3. Once you have signed in, you will be on the student landing page. From the main menu located on the left of the screen, click on “Take an Assessment”.
  4. Choose the assessment that has been enabled by your instructor then click “Begin Assessment”.
  5. You will be presented with the test instructions. Once you have read through and understand the instructions, click the “Start Assessment” button at the bottom of the page.
Information about Online Practice Assessments:
  • Your instructor will issue the access code to you.
  • The first answer you choose is the answer that is scored.
  • Most assessments have rationales for each response. You access these by clicking on all of the answers for the question. ***Your instructor may choose to have the rationales turned off which means the correct or incorrect answer will not appear on the screen.
  • You are not required to complete the practice assessment at one sitting. You have the option of stopping the assessment and logging back in to complete it at another time.
  • Your report will generate and be available as soon as you complete an exam.
  • Reports are also available for future viewing by clicking on My Results from the main menu. A list of the completed practice assessments will be listed. Click on the assessment for which you want a report and follow the screen prompts to print. You must have Adobe Reader 9.0 or higher on your machine.
How to create a Focused Review:
  1. Sign in to using your personal Username and Password.
  2. Click on “My Results”.
  3. Find the exam you want to create the Focused Review for and click “Create” to the right of the assessment. If it says N/A then a focused review is not available for that assessment.
  4. Select the topics you want in your review and click on “Create Focused Review”. That’s it! You have successfully created your Focused Review.
  5. To pull up an existing Focused Review or to recreate a new one using different topics, follow the same steps until you get to your list of assessments. Then click on “View | Recreate” to the right of the assessment.
Feedback:All plans are publicly posted outside of the Media Center, school website, and server for all to peruse.

Revised December 2023