Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
Located at:
5154 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
Fax: (561)683-6773
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Purpose:The purpose of this default management plan is to ensure the school’s default rates remain within the percentage required by the Department of Education and the Council on Occupational Education. The Dean of Student Services/Financial Aid Director is responsible for this Plan.
Objective:To ensure that the default rate remains within acceptable levels

  1. The Financial Aid team will interview each borrower for suitability in an effort to a) determine qualified borrowers, b) impress upon students their need to fully understand the serious nature of the requirements, repercussions, and their responsibility, and c) help students to develop a reasonable plan to manage their payments and debt or d) recommend not engaging in the loan program and offer other community alternatives if applicable.

  2. Students must complete electronic entrance counseling required by U.S. Department of Education, indicating their knowledge of the requirements and provisions of the student loan program.

  3. ANHO has contracted with a third party Default Management Company to assist in managing its default rates.

  4. All students must complete electronic exit counseling required by the U.S. Department of Education at the time of withdrawing or graduating. If any problem is even suspected, the Financial Aid Representative will refer the matter to the Dean of Student Services/Financial Aid Director who will continue to work with the individual toward understanding, agreement, acceptance of responsibility and an action plan to follow.

  5. In the event that a student is allowed a grace period, a monthly contact will be initiated and documented by the default management company.

  6. The Dean of Student Services/Financial Aid Director is responsible for reviewing quarterly reports so that evaluations and modifications can be made as deemed necessary. An annual report is then compiled, analyzed and evaluated in order to keep default rates at a bare minimum.


Monthly report is received by our third party servicer from the U.S. Department of Education and reviewed by Dean of Student Services/Financial Aid Director who in turn works with W.I.S.S. (Third party servicer) monthly to prevent those borrowers from going into default and to prevent possible loss of program eligibility due to a high cohort default rate. W.I.S.S. contacts students to counsel on appropriate action to avoid delinquency or default. W.I.S.S. then provides a quarterly report to the school’s Executive Director for review. Input is received from the Advisory Council and progress of plan is evaluated and approved by the Board of Directors Annually. The Executive Director evaluates all data on an annual basis and presents findings to all instructional personnel and administrative staff at an annual staff meeting via the Executive Director’s Annual Summary.


Monthly reports are reviewed for satisfaction. All program completers and non-completers are assisted in finding employment. Employment and contact information is shared with the Dean of Student Services/Financial Aid Director and the third party servicer for follow-up. Employee policies and procedures are continually updated as they are considered a work in progress. Current plans are posted outside of the Media Center, school website and the server for all to peruse

Revised June 2022