Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
Located at:
5154 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
Fax: (561)683-6773
Email Us 

Learning Resources

The library is located on the second floor, in the southern section of the building near Classroom 1. We are open from 7:30AM to 11:00PM, Monday through Thursday. If you would like to use the library at any other time, please ask an instructor to accompany you.

Library Catalog:
All books (excluding current textbooks) and journals are available for in-library usage.

What’s new?
  • The library collection is undergoing some changes! Finding books will be easier than ever!
  • Online Learning Resources Corner: Learn about taking classes online and being a successful online learner.
  • Domestic Violence Resources
    • Binder of Safety/Primary Prevention Resources
    • Literature Review conducted by ANHO faculty
    • Collection of books on Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking, and Rape

Available resources:

13 Dell Laptop Computers with Windows 7

Web Resources Software on each Computer
  • Medcin EHR
  • Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
PLEASE NOTE: USB ports on computers in the library are disabled, and there is no way to access Wi-Fi from your own device. In order to use your own files, please email them to yourself in advance, or utilize a cloud service like Google Drive, iCloud, or Microsoft OneDrive. You will then be able to download, edit, print, etc.

Textbooks: available for in-library use in 2 hour increments per student.

Do you have a suggestion for improvement? Please email, or drop an anonymous note in the black box in the library.

Simulation Laboratory Resource Center

The Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations (ANHO) is excited about igniting students with a passion to learn outstanding nursing care with the use of High-Fidelity Patient Simulators (HFPS). ANHO views the use of the Sim Lab as a powerful way to build students’ confidence along with skill and ultimately foster their desire to be excellent nurses.The mission of the Sim Lab is to provide evidenced-based education preparing nurses to provide safe, competent, and compassionate care.

Our goal is to provide all nursing students the opportunity to practice nursing skills in a highly realistic health care environment. The students are able to explore the elements of nursing practice in a safe and worry-free setting.

We offer:
  • Several High-Fidelity Patient Simulators
  • Simulations in Medical-Surgical, Pediatric, Labor and Delivery, and Geriatric areas
  • Scenarios that develop thinking, reasoning, nursing judgment, and reflection skills
  • Emphasis on patient safety through promotion of the National Patient Safety Goals
  • Audio and video recording for sessions to provide optimal student learning
  • Electronic Health Record Program