Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
Located at:
5154 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
Fax: (561)683-6773
Email Us 


This plan has been adopted to ensure the facility is clean, neat, safe and free of any infestations. The Dean of Compliance is responsible for this Plan.

Objective: To ensure that the campus environment is clean and neat and problem-free on a daily basis and that finances are available to accommodate this plan.

Pest Control:
  1. Monthly spraying of all offices and classrooms by professional organizations-ANHO fee for services.
  2. Yearly in-wall spray-landlord fee for services.
  3. RN whenever a sighting is reported-ANHO fee for services
  4. Outdoor treatment maintained by Landlord.
Cleaning Services:
  1. Immediate spills cleaned by ANHO employees.
  2. Classroom and public bathroom monitored once daily and cleaned PRN and nightly – AHNO fee for service.
  3. Daily, weekly, and monthly general cleaning-ANHO fee for services.
  4. Refrigerators weekly cleaning-ANHO fee for service
  5. Quarterly deep cleaning to include fans, filters, exhaust-ANHO fee for services.
  6. Annual and PRN tile floor steam cleaned -ANHO fee for services.
  7. Stairway and porch area – daily cleaning, ANHO fee for services
  8. Carpets steam cleaned at every school closure. – ANHO fee for services
  1. Linens collected weekly, washed, folded, and returned within 1 week - ANHO Assistant Director
  2. After each use: table cloths washed and ironed - Assistant Director
  3. Graduation gowns laundered after each graduation - Assistant Director
  4. Graduation caps – New for each student
Parking Lot
  1. Trash receptacles emptied daily- ANHO fee for services.
  2. Daily general trash pick up of parking lot-ANHO fee for services
  3. Daily monitoring and clean up PRN by staff and students.
Internal Trash
  1. All atrium and classroom receptacles emptied and cleaned daily – ANHO fee for services
  2. Bathroom receptacles emptied and cleaned once daily – ANHO fee for services
  3. Shredding receptacles emptied weekly – Shredding Service
  4. Bio hazardous waste – red-boxed and removed by Bio hazardous Service


Daily observation for compliance - Student, faculty, staff and management evaluation of trends and expenses are reviewed monthly. Input is received from employers at the Advisory Meeting and progress of plan is evaluated and approved by the Board of Directors annually. The Executive Director evaluates all data on an annual basis and presents findings to all constituents’ instructional personnel and administrative staff at an annual staff meeting on the Executive Director’s Annual Evaluative Report.


ANHO appreciates and utilizes input from advisors, students and employees. Management Team reviews summaries of evaluations and reviews/revises plans, policies and procedures as warranted. Employee policy and procedures are kept electronically on the server and are continually updated as it is considered a work in progress. All plans are publicly posted outside of the Media Center, school website, and server for all to peruse.

Revised 11/10/21