Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
Located at:
5154 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
Fax: (561)683-6773
Email Us 

2024 Strategic Plan
Message from the Executive Director

It is ANHO’s custom and truly its fiduciary responsibility to all stakeholders to take this time to reflect on the past five years and specifically this past year, 2023. Objectively, it was filled with a number of challenges, great achievements and transitions.

Last year our President, Dr. Lois Richards, RN, challenged us to “demonstrate our worthiness” as an institution of ongoing excellence. In 2023, ANHO had scheduled assessments for continued accreditation with both the Council on Occupational Education (COE) and the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). It is with immense pride that I commend all faculty, staff and administrators on rising to face such a consequential challenge, which resulted in our demonstration of the highest level of excellence as recognized by each accrediting agency. ANHO was awarded continued accreditation for the maximum time periods: Six Years with COE and Eight Years with ACEN!

ANHO was also challenged to take a new and fresh look at its curriculum and licensure preparation methodologies following this year’s implementation of the “Next Generation” changes to the National Council Licensing Examination (NCLEX) for RN and PN by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). It is with much excitement that I commend the faculty and the entire Academic team on our receipt of truly outstanding pass rate results to date (as there are still a few graduates to test within our initial testing cohorts): 95.3% RN and 93.6% PN!

Additionally, as ANHO continues to expand its reach in service to the underprivileged, unemployed and underemployed men and women of Palm Beach County (and 2023 was certainly a year of growth in our census), we were challenged with looking at ways to better enhance our systems to support this growth, which in fact will continue to be a pursuit of ANHO’s as we continually evolve. However, I do want to highlight one particular system enhancement and commend the many who were involved with its implementation (Student Services/Registrar/Controller/IT). With the implementation of the electronically automated “Parchment” system, it has greatly assisted with the very time-consuming process of fulfilling countless requests for time-sensitive transcripts not only for one of our 10,000+ graduates but also for any student who has attended ANHO.

There were also many other challenges we faced as an institution, but together we tackled them head on or put a plan in place to address them in the future. Likewise, we have also realized many other great achievements from each department throughout our enterprise, and we equally celebrate those as well!

Lastly, I must say we are very blessed to have each other. The “ANHO Family” is at the core of what makes our institution special (and always has). Nevertheless, in any dynamic organization there will be changes, including some changes to personnel. While all changes are impactful at least at some level, there is perhaps one change that was the most impactful. Dr. Lois Richards, RN, after 45 years of lifelong dedication and service to the mission of ANHO, announced that she was stepping away from her day-to-day operations role as the Executive Director (ED), but would still retain her position as the President of the Board. Being the incredible leader that Dr. Richards has always been, she clearly communicated her intentions well in advance and launched an exhaustive search for her replacement. I am humbled and honored that Dr. Richards, the Board of Directors and the ANHO leadership team selected me as her ED replacement.

By putting our students first, caring for one another, developing and maintaining strong community partners, and giving ourselves over to continued excellence in our jobs every day, we maintain our competitive advantage at the Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations…and will continue to do so well into the future! Respectfully

Joe Molmer, MBA
Executive Director


To Teach - underprivileged, unemployed and underemployed men and women of Palm Beach County the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to be employed in the Healthcare Profession.

Contributing Objectives:

  1. To network with existing available resources in order to assist students in completing their education, and in obtaining and retaining employment.
  2. To meet the employment needs of the Healthcare Community of Palm Beach County by contributing to a well-prepared workforce.
  3. To offer healthcare employees continuing educational opportunities for keeping knowledge, skills, and competencies current in order to retain employment.


Because the student has a dream,
                  We have a job to do.
Because the student will care for patients,
                  We must protect the public.
Because the student has a choice,
                  We must be all that we can be.
Because the student has responsibilities,
                  We must be considerate.
Because the student is unique,
                  We must be flexible.
Because the student has high expectations,
                  We must excel.
Because the student is the future of Health Care,
                  We must seek continuous improvement.

The Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations believes that any person willing to apply himself or herself can benefit from the education offered. Previous educational successes are not nearly as important as possessing a sincere desire to work and a commitment to help people who are sick, convalescing or dying. Love and compassion for one's fellow man, willingness to work hard, and an even temperament are essential and valued qualities in the Health Care profession and the college. The belief that students can flourish and achieve anything they aspire to, given a caring, positive educational setting, is the prevalent philosophy of the college and is the message behind the college’s motto "Be all that you can be - Learn, Grow, Become."

The college has maintained the philosophy that in order to adequately prepare students and approve them as competent to deliver care, it is essential to observe their behavior, integrity, responsibility, dependability, and judgment over a prolonged period of time and during many hours of clinical practice in a variety of settings. Students begin and exit the program in groups, participate in community service projects, participate in student organizational activities, and participate in student government. These activities are encouraged because the college maintains the philosophy that it is important for health care workers to excel in teamwork, organizational and leadership skills, as well as a commitment to serve the community.


Health Care Employers of Palm Beach County will look to the Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations as their preferred resource for employment and retention of their workforce and the residents of Palm Beach County will look to the Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations as their preferred source of health care education.

Core Values:
  ◊ Integrity
  ◊ Respect
  ◊ Commitment
  ◊ Accountability
  ◊ Caring
  ◊ Teamwork


GOAL: To continue to enhance financial stability to assist in fulfilling the mission of the college and the goals of the overall strategic plan through 2029. Evaluate Annually

An institution such as a college needs financial resources and financial stability matched to its vision and mission. The college will maintain financial stability through prudent business practices, careful long-range financial planning, and increased Financial Aid funding in the face of decreased grant programs as evidence by achieving the following objectives.

  1. Financial Impact 1. To obtain and access funding sources that will allow the maintaining of appropriate human resources, the procurement of capital equipment, the maintenance and upkeep or our facilities, and the purchasing of needed operating supplies. Evaluate Annually

    Financial Impact: $30,000

    1. Continue to keep Title IV programs and student base so that grant funding remains below 30% of school’s revenue
    2. Establish scholarship programs for those students with a funding gap prior to completion of the program
    3. Surpass our 23-24 budgeted net Income from Operations by $250,000 for reserves
    4. Achieve a “Current Ratio” metric (current assets / current liabilities) of 4.0 or greater
    5. Maintain and nurture investments to grow our reserves

  2. To, at a minimum, break even at the close of each fiscal year with no debt, fully funding capital expenditures, and maintaining a minimum 1.5 Composite Score ratio. Evaluate Annually.

    Financial Impact: $25,000

    1. Monitor enrollment levels, and encourage and fund recruitment programs so that our institution maintains break-even levels or greater
    2. Monitor and evaluate monthly and Y-T-D Income versus Expenditures and make strategic adjustments as needed

  3. To continually evaluate and modernize our financial processes so that the college maintains utmost efficiency and competiveness in today’s business environment. Evaluate Annually

    Financial Impact: $25,000

    1. Solicit and assess outside vendors specializing in electronic Purchase Order software, which when employed would significantly reduce paper processing and manual input, and at the same time enhance efficiency in the procurement of operating supplies and general purchasing.
    2. Research available systems in processing Accounts Payable through electronic means, thereby significantly reducing our paper check processing, and strengthening prevention against theft.


Goal: To develop resources to fulfill the mission of the college and to fulfill the goals of the overall strategic plan through 2029. Evaluate Annually.

Toward this end, the Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations will engage in activities related to the following categories: Annually through 2029
  1. Solicitation of contributions/fundraising – Goal of $25,000.00 per year
  2. Community Outreach
  3. Grant writing
  4. Establishing clinical training
  5. Engage in succession planning

This development will be accomplished by establishing the following objectives which will be evaluated annually.
  1. Solicit contributions in order to have 50% of the amount of the operating budget in reserve
    Financial Impact: $25,000.00
  2. Community Outreach - Key personnel to have active participation in elite organizations such as
    Financial Impact: $10000.00
    ncer Alliance      Council on Occupational Education
    Florida Board of Nursing Career Source, Palm Beach County
    Florida Board of Nursing Alpha Beta Kappa
    National Honor Society Alpha Beta Kappa
    ACEN Youth Empowerment
  3. Procure at least one grant per year to further the college’s mission
    Financial Impact: $2000.00
  4. Participation in Computerized Clinical Facility Matching System and Supplemental clinical training with Community Experiences that achieve purposeful/relevant experiences
    Financial Impact: $1000.00 Annual Dues
  5. Identify and develop successors to be proficient in managing the school functions
    Financial Impact: $50000.00 per year
  6. Pursue the feasibility of offering a BSN Program at ANHO.
    Financial Impact: $50000.00 per year


Goal: It is extremely important to maintain the college’s physical plant in such a way as to continue to attract excellent faculty and students, as well as ensure that all users have the proper environment to fulfill their respective jobs and responsibilities in a safe, clean, and effective manner through 2029.

To achieve this goal the following objectives have been identified and will be evaluated annually
  1. To maintain a long term secure lease
    Financial Impact: $370000.00
  2. To establish and maintain an environment conducive to learning including preventative maintenance measures for
    1. Lighting – Inside and outside lighting maintained with monthly preventative maintenance
      Financial Impact: $2000.00
    2. Educational Resources
      Computers maintained Financial Impact: $5,000.00
      Simulators maintainedFinancial Impact: $10000.00
    3. Maintenance & Repair
      Carpet/shampoo, paint, and repair during each college closing annually.
      Financial Impact: $4000.00
      Daily/weekly repairs as needed
      Financial Impact: $4000.00
      Classroom carpet replacement
      ancial Impact: $25,000.00
    4. Office and Advisement Space – Provide office privacy and conference area for advisement
      Financial Impact: $2,000.00
  3. To Replace campus surveillance system
    Financial Impact: $28,000.00
  4. To Maintain Parchment, an online platform to send student transcripts to other entities
    Financial Impact: $2,000.00
  5. To Investigate the cost of a new Student Information Software and Financial Aid third party servicer
    Financial Impact: $145,000.00
  6. To Implement and maintain a new ANHO website
    Financial Impact: $7,000.00
  7. To Investigate the cost of renovating the Admissions Office suite with new paint, flooring, furniture, and décor


Goal: To maintain strong security policies and effective internal controls to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of sensitive information. The college will continue to implement and strengthen security measures through 2029.

  1. To hold an annual cyber security training with all employees
    Financial Impact: $1000.00
  2. To update and maintain the Cyber Security Procedure Manual on an annual basis
    Financial Impact: $1000.00
  3. To perform a Risk Assessment and provide recommendations to increase our security
    Financial Impact: $3000.00
  4. To conduct security awareness training for existing employees.
    Financial Impact: $2000.00
  5. To conduct security training for all newly hired employees
    Financial Impact: $2,000.00
  6. Upgrade student network
    Financial Impact:$ 28,000.00


Goal: To include diversity, and the entire Palm Beach County geographic area, with the goal of producing not only a successful student, but also a successful graduate, and employee through 2029.

To achieve this goal, the following objectives have been set and will be evaluated annually.
  1. Attract/recruit students from diverse cultural backgrounds who meet the elements of the college’s mission and admission criteria.
    Financial Impact: $25,000.00.
    1. Hispanic Latino students to be at least 10% of the college’s population
    2. Male students to be at least 10% of the college’s population
    3. Minority students to be at least 50% of the college’s population
  2. Attract/recruit students from a wide variety of geographic areas of Palm Beach County i.e. farming, urban, rural, township, unincorporated areas, including veterans.
    Financial Impact: $10000.00.
  3. Serve the working HHA/NA, PCTs, LPNs and other Healthcare Employees of Palm Beach County to advance their educational level.
    Financial Impact: $5000.00.
  4. Emphasize decorum & caring behaviors as a meaningful portion of preparation for a healthcare professional. This should encompass IPR skills, physical presentation, professional relationships, and following ANHO’s Code of Conduct and rules. Complete core values and character essay competitions twice annually.
    Financial Impact: $5000.00.
  5. Academic Dean and/or Faculty to conduct focus group meetings soliciting student advisement.
    Financial Impact: $1000.00.


Goal: To provide classroom and clinical resources that will assist students of diverse needs and backgrounds to be successful annually through 2029.

To achieve this goal the following objectives have been set and will be evaluated annually.
  1. Educational assessments will be used to identify resources that best provide students with opportunities to ensure successful entry into practice.
    Financial Impact: $50.00/student.
  2. ATI/HESI threaded through out the curriculum.
    Financial Impact: $400.00/student.
  3. Employer expectations solicited
    Financial Impact: $2000.00.
  4. To establish up to date learning resources available daily & update print resources. .
    Financial Impact: $75,000.00.
  5. To provide for life skills, employment skills, decorum, and caring behaviors threaded throughout curriculum.
    Financial Impact: $0.00.
  6. To assure that student attendance at clinical practice meets state requirements.
    Financial Impact: $0.00.
  7. To provide private, individual, and caring Academic Advisement for students.
    Financial Impact: $0.00.
  8. Constant oversight of Friday curriculum, attendance, and feedback, adding additional assistance for teaching how to learn difficult rigorous coursework etc.
    Financial Impact: $50,000.00
  9. Pilot changes in order to assist students in meeting Satisfactory Progress Standards and achieving retention/completion benchmarks for all programs
    Financial Impact: $10,000.00.
  10. Utilization of Sim Lab and skill demonstration to assist in student learning and outcomes
    Financial Impact: $5000.00.


Goal: A student’s success is influenced greatly by the faculty. It is therefore incumbent on the institution to insure that it has qualified, motivated, knowledgeable involved and enthusiastic faculty in its employ. This is a requirement in order to achieve the goals of any educational endeavor, but most especially to achieve the goals of educating health care practitioners annually through 2029.

To achieve this goal the following objectives have been set and will be evaluated annually.
  1. To evaluate staffing levels and assignments monthly.
    Financial Impact: $0.00.
  2. To meet programmatic accreditation standards
    Financial Impact: $10000.00.
  3. To evaluate classroom, clinical, and simulation faculty with corrective action plans as necessary
    Financial Impact: $0.00.
  4. To evaluate classroom, clinical, simulation, and online faculty teaching concepts - congruent with approved program curriculum adopted by faculty. Appropriate measures taken for non-compliance.
    Financial Impact: $0.00.
  5. To provide evidence of faculty development progress toward advanced degrees, scholarly work, and current evidence-based practice used as a basis for teaching and toward shoring up weaknesses.
    Financial Impact: $2000.00.
  6. To evaluate curriculum following each cohort experience of success and progression.
    Financial Impact: $1000.00.

Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations
Faculty Development Goals

  1. Qualified faculty to meet established goals
    Financial Impact: $1,500,000.00.
  2. Improve faculty educational skills, in the areas of didactic communication, development and assessment, clinical and simulation
    Financial Impact: $1,000.00.
  3. Identify sources of successful progression and measure results
    Financial Impact: $0.00.
  4. Explore evidence based literature to assist faculty with scholarly work
    Financial Impact: $3,000.00
  5. Achieve student learning outcomes and program outcomes via teaching students how to learn complex rigorous coursework
    Financial Impact: $0.00

Faculty Development Schedule 2024

March 20, 2024 3:00pmFaculty Professional Development
July 10, 2024 3:00 pmFaculty Professional Development
October 9, 2024, 3:00 pmFaculty Professional Development
November 6, 2024 3:00pmFaculty Professional Development


Goal: To meet the needs of the community by fulfilling the mission of the college and meeting the goals of the overall strategic plan annually through 2029.

To achieve this goal, the following objectives have been set and will be evaluated annually.
  1. To collaborate and partner with Community Healthcare Agencies.
    1. A.To use a variety of 25 or more clinical training sites thereby increasing educational and employment opportunities for graduates - Employee time 10 hours/week
      Financial Impact: $ 21,000.00
    2. To collaborate with local organizations that assist students/graduates to overcome barriers and become self-sufficient, including support services.
      Financial Impact: $ 20,000.00

  2. To stay abreast of new trends in the delivery of health services.
    1. Attend healthcare meetings and Association functions to ascertain latest trends and needs and build relationships
      Financial Impact: $5,000.00
    2. Utilize members of the healthcare community in an advisory capacity so as to keep current with industry needs
      Financial Impact: $5,000.00
    3. To survey alumnae and employers’ satisfaction levels and needs.
      Financial Impact: $0.00
    4. To have a satisfaction rate of 85% or higher with employers and graduates.
      Financial Impact: $0.00

  3. 3.The above objectives will be met when the school reaches and continues to meet the following goals
    Financial Impact: 50,000
    1. Increase student enrollment to above break even levels
    2. Consistently obtain 85% placement rate as reported on COE Annual Report:
    3. Consistently obtain 85% licensure pass rate as reported on COE annual report:
    4. Consistently obtain retention rate at or above 60%


Goal: To provide students and faculty with an environment of commitment to excellence annually and through 2029.

To achieve this goal, the following objectives have been set and will be evaluated annually.
  1. To remain current with issues that impact healthcare education and practice utilizing the following:
    1. Regulators and regulation - Commission for Independent Education, Council on Occupational Education, Florida Board of Nursing, US Department of Education, ACEN
      Financial Impact: $10,000.00/year Travel
    2. Community Organizations – Career Source Palm Beach County, InJacobs Shoes,Cancer Alliance, ANHO Advisors
      Financial Impact: $4,000.00/year
    3. Professional Associations – Florida Associate of Post Secondary Schools and Colleges, Florida Nurse Association, Sigma Theta Tau, FL Deans & Directors
      Financial Impact: $4,000.00/year
  2. To maintain a current curriculum and resources that are not more than five years old.
    Financial Impact: $2,000.00/year
  3. To achieve the annual objectives that have been set.

    1. Practical Nursing Program Goals:
      Financial Impact: $10,000.00/year
      1. 75% or above ultimate completion rate within 100-200% of program
      2. 85% or above training related placement including drops
      3. Meet or exceed the National Average Percentage for passing NCLEX-PN Exam
      4. Analyze retention quarterly and implement strategies for improvement

    2. Associate of Science Degree in Nursing Program Goals:
      Financial Impact: $20,000.00/year
      1. ACEN Compliance
      2. Faculty participation in Accreditation Standards
      3. A minimum of 85% training related placement
      4. Meet or exceed the National Average Percentage for passing NCLEX-RN Exam.
      5. To continue proctoring the Distance Education Final Exam on ground at ANHO
      6. 20% completion within 100% of program
      7. 75% or above ultimate completion rate over 100% of program
      8. Analyze retention quarterly and implement strategies for improvement

    3. Health Occupations Program Goals:
      Financial Impact: $10,000.00/year
      1. 75% or above ultimate completion rate within 100-200% of program
      2. 85% or above training related placement including drops
      3. Meet or exceed the National Average Percentage for passing CNA Exam
      4. Analyze retention quarterly and implement strategies for improvement


Goal: To critically analyze and modify the strategic plan annually so as to maintain a college of excellence at all times annually through 2029.

Progress toward the achievement of the Strategic Plan will be evaluated throughout the year using several methods and data collection tools culminating in the Annual Evaluative Report. Input toward this summary is received from faculty, staff, students, and employers via Advisor Committee Meetings, “All Staff” Meetings, Management Meetings, ad hoc committees and focus groups.

Once the Annual Evaluative Report is drafted, it is reviewed with the Management Team, Advisors, Faculty and Staff as well as evaluated by the Board of Directors. It is then posted on the web site for students and all constituents to access. Consideration is given to the following:
  • Mission Statement
  • Student progress
  • Student input
  • Program outcomes
  • Employer input/Alumnae input
  • Financial, physical, and human resources
  • Instructional and media equipment and supplies
  • Faculty improvement/input
  • Incoming and outgoing student needs
  • Compliance with regulations
  • Public and community relations/needs
  • Licensure pass rates
  • Accreditation status
  • Employment satisfaction
  • Results of Audits and Analyses
  • Curriculum review / Staying current
Fiscal Impact $10,000.00 annual

Accreditation Committees 2024

R.Werner, Chair
J. Molmer
N. Asser
K. Atkinson
Standard #1
R.Werner, Chair
J. Molmer
A. Stiles
J. Miller
Standard #2
Patient Care Technician
Neala Asser, Chair
R. Werner
M. Alma
J. Molmer
Rehab/Restorative Asst
Neala Asser, Chair
M. Alma
R. Werner
C. Giambatista
L. Gackenheimer Richards
Home Health Aide/Nurse Assistant
Neala Asser, Chair
M. Alma
R. Werner
J. Molmer
COE-Standard #2
ACEN 1-6

N. Asser, Chair
R. Werner
N. Sanaty-Nya
D. Gilzine
F. James
L. Kanakry
M. Joseph
C. Sheffield
G. Germinal
M. Berneche
M. Berneche
T. Parker
R. Ghassemi
C. Previlma
J. Molmer
K. Pollino
S. Chavers
N. Asser, Chair
L. Kanakry
D. Macavinta

R. Werner
A. Gill
K. DeVevo
A. Stallings
D. Grotke
B. Costakes
J. Molmer
J. Rubin
M. Alma
C. Leandre
Standard #3
Kacey Atkinson Chair
J. Miller
N. Asser
B. Costakes
C. Sheffield
M. Adduci
R. Werner
J. Molmer
M. Joseph
Standard #4
Strategic Planning
R. Werner, Chair
J. Miller
N. Asser
K. Atkinson
J. Molmer
Standard #5
Learning Resources
K. Tyson, Chair
N. Asser
B. Costakes
M. Vermiglio
J. Molmer
L. Kanakry
Standard #6
Institutional Infrastructure
Ken Tyson, Chair
S. Giambatista
R. Werner
J. Molmer
Standard #7
Financial Resources
K. Leishman, Chair
N. Asser
B. Costakes
R. Werner
J. Molmer
Standard #8
Human Resources
R. Werner, Chair
K. LeishmanJ. Molmer
Standard #9
Organizational Structure
R. Werner, Chair
N. AsserJ. Molmer
Standard #10
Student Services &Activities
K. Atkinson, Chair
J. Gjergo
A. Stiles
J. Miller
V. Butcher
J. Molmer
R. Werner
L. Rodriguez
B. Jenkins
ACEN Accreditation/Self Study
N. Asser, Chair
R. Werner
N. Sanaty-Nya
C. Leandre
C. Previlma
M. Joseph
K. Pollino
C. Sheffield
J. Molmer
T. Parker
R. Ghassemi
L. Kanakry
S. Chavers
B. Costakes
B. Costakes


Purpose/Scope of Services:
Evaluation of Vital School Functions and Services in order to develop and utilize a Strategic Plan to guide excellence and continuous improvement for ANHOProcedure:
  1. Evaluation will be ongoing and formally compiled into an annual report summarizing Quality Assurance and Improvement;
Major Activities:
  1. The following areas will be evaluated by the indicated means and by the indicated school official

FunctionFunction Evaluative Measures and FrequencyFrequencyResponsible Person
Academic Achievement of Objectives and CurrencyStudent Grades
Monthly Progress Notes
Management Plans
Pass/Fail Rates for State Testing (CNA & NCLEX)
Academic Dean
AttendanceAttendance Records
Management Plans
Academic Dean
Academic Dean
Clinical Achievement of Objectives and CurrencyAvailability
Each clinical assignmentAcademic Dean
RetentionReview StatisticsQuarterlyAcademic Dean
Employment / PlacementReview Placement Book
Offer Assistance and Guidance
30/90 day post-training completion
Analyze and correct reasons for non-placement
Evaluate, Correct, Repeat
Academic Dean
Dean of Student Services
Faculty DevelopmentParticipation in Continuing EducationQuarterlyAcademic Dean
Student ActivitiesStudent Satisfaction Surveys
Insure Satisfactory Progress achieved by graduation
Alumnae/Employer Surveys

Academic Dean
Dean of Student Services
Health & SafetyReview, investigate and follow-up Incident and Accident reports
Summarize, evaluate, modify practice

Director of Operations
Staff Support and TelecommunicationsCheck documents for quality of copies, typographical errors, organization and filing systems
Check timeliness of jobs completed
Check phones answered by third ring
Check courtesy
Check accuracy of messages
Dean of Student Services
Record RequestsCheck for release signature
Check for compliance with 48 hour turn-around
Dean of Student Services
Outreach/RecruitmentCheck Reports
Check follow-up and guidance sessions
Dean of Student Services

  1. It will be the responsibility of the Executive Director to summarize the above reports and present them annually to the staff and faculty, the Advisory Council and the Board of Directors.

  2. After parties of interest analyze the Annual Evaluative Report, a Strategic Plan is developed to include the following categories: Finance, Development, Physical Plant/Media Resources, Student Population, Educational Needs, Faculty, Community Needs, Commitment to Excellence, Evaluation, Table of Organization, Mission and Vision, IT Security and Accreditation Committee Assignments

Evaluation of the Plan:
The Staff, Faculty, Advisory Council and Board of Directors use the results of the Annual Report to develop the Strategic Plan. Student input is taken into consideration also when it is revised, which is at least annually and more often as needed.

The Executive Director is responsible for coordinating the development of and sharing of the Strategic Plan.

Major Publications:
The Strategic Plan will be accessible on the school’s web site and will also be accessible in paper copy for Students, the Staff and Faculty, Advisory Council, and Board of Directors.

Constituents with which the Plan is shared:
General PublicBoard of Directors
Staff & Faculty 

Budgetary Resources for each revision
Employee time for collecting data, analyzing, and compilation
Financial Impact     $8,000.00

Web Site Access
Financial Impact     $1,000.00

Paper Publication
Financial Impact     $1,000.00

TOTAL       $10,000.00


  1. Increase retention percentage of students attending ADN and PN programs through an in-depth examination of possible factors negatively impacting retention by forming a standing committee of faculty and staff charged with the responsibility for analyzing data, formulating an action plan for successful improvement and monitoring results for sustained achievement.

  2. Investigate feasibility for ANHO to offer a BSN program and compose a timeline for full program implementation.

  3. Further enhance ANHO infrastructure in the way of process and system improvements in areas like facilities, technology and interdepartmental communications and workflow to be able to more efficiently serve our current student population and to proactively position the college to face prospects of future growth.