Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
Located at:
5154 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
Fax: (561)683-6773
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Plan for Protection of the Institution’s Technical Infrastructure
(Provided directly by the Institution or through Contractual Arrangements)
The purpose of this plan is to assure that the institution’s technical infrastructure provides for the privacy, safety of students, faculty, administrative staff, and visitors. The Director of Operations is responsible for the technical infrastructure’s continued privacy, safety of students, faculty, administrative staff and visitors. Director of Operations will utilize the service of contract help as needed.

Objective: To ensure that ANHO’s technical infrastructure provides for the 1) privacy, safety, and security of data contained within the network, 2) the computer system and network’s reliability, 3) emergency backups for all technical services, and 4) that financial resources are available to support the plan.

On a daily basis, the institution’s server is reviewed for errors and corrected, as well as updated as required. Any problems regarding the institution’s technical infrastructure noted by staff or faculty are immediately brought to the attention of the Director of Operations and repairs are made as required.

All faculty members and staff receive and sign an IT Security Agreement Form which is kept in their permanent record, acknowledging that computer crimes are a violation of the school’s Internet and Technology Usage Policy as well as ANHO’s Personnel Policy. This policy is also included in the faculty/student handbook and reviewed at orientation.

A complete back up of ANHO’s Server is done every night, and is kept on site as well as off-site through the Cloud. Both copies have fully encrypted data transmission and storage.

ANHO maintains a Cisco Merika firewall which is top-rated. All computers and/or other devices connecting to the network require authentication. Public access/free Wi-Fi is offered throughout ANHO but is separate from ANHO’s secured network in order to prevent server backlog and public access to server information. ANHO maintains seven wifi access points.

All client computers (employees and students) automatically filter all blacklisted or potentially infected sites.

ANHO takes measures to prevent corrupted or infected media driver disks, etc. by disabling the USB flash drive on public access computers.

ANHO has a contractual agreement with McGraw-Hill for the on-line learning platform for its General Education Course offerings. Students must verify access with secured user ID and passwords in order to log into any and all coursework.

The Director of Operations maintains open communication with the management team as to the status of the school’s technical infrastructure and if financial needs change. If a breach of safety or security to any students, faculty or staff is found to have occurred, the breach will be corrected immediately and all parties included in such breach will be notified immediately.

Faculty evaluation of IT Infrastructure is summarized annually by the Executive Director. Suggestions for upgrading are reviewed by the faculty and management team and implemented as appropriate. Input is received from Advisory Council and the progress of this plan is evaluated and approved by the Board of Directors annually. The Executive Director evaluates all data on an annual basis and presents findings to all instructional personnel and administrative staff at an annual staff meeting via the Executive Director’s Annual Summary.

ANHO appreciates and utilizes input from students, employees, and advisors. The management team reviews summaries of evaluations and reviews/revises plans, policies, and procedures as warranted. Policies and procedures are continually updated as it is considered a work in progress. All plans are publicly posted outside of the Media Center, school website, and server for all to peruse.

Revised April 2022